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Soluzioni dei quiz di: Say / Tell Qual è la differenza?

Ecco le soluzioni ai quiz della lezione Say e tell: qual è la differenza?.


The downside is that she is a bit bossy and tells us what to do.

Il lato negativo è che lei è un po' autoritaria e ci dice cosa fare.

Caption 34, Talking About People - Personalities

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  1. I told her not to go snowboarding - it’s too dangerous!
  2. My father always says please and thank you.
  3. “Don’t forget your boots!” he said to them. 
  4. Can you please tell me what time the coach leaves?
  5. Where is Jill? I want to say goodbye to her before we leave for the boat trip.
  6. I don’t know why but they didn’t say hello to us when they arrived.
  7. You must tell the truth about what happened during the trekking. 
  8. He never tells me anything about his mountain climbing.



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